Tag Archives: Sports Cars

Ferraris On The Green – Niello Concours At Serrano

Continuing our look at some of the cars at Niello Concours at Serrano which I started on Wednesday and will conclude next Wednesday here are some of the Ferrari’s present as seen by Karl Krause.

Ferrari 328 GTS, Niello Concours at Serrano

There are many older Ferrari’s in the USA than this Ferrari 328 GTS, but I found this interesting article about a Ferrari 328 GTS owner in Poland, where his car is amongst the oldest Ferrari’s in the country.

Ferrari 550, Niello Concours at Serrano

Despite the fact I’ve never held any leaning towards the game of golf or golfers to whom the Ferrari 550 above is aimed at with it’s boot trunk big enough to take a golf bag I have always been a fan of the Ferrari 550 because the engine is in the correct end of the car.

Ferrari 360, Niello Concours at Serrano

While looking for unusual info on the Ferrari 360 like the one above I found this fascinating topical tip on how to increase the range of of the key alarm fob from two feet to 40 feet for free on facebook of all places.

Ferrari 360, Niello Concours at Serrano

MG used to run ads with the strap line “your mother would not like it”, same applies to a matt black Ferrari 360 in my humble opinion, I guess that is a good reason to re-examine my aversion to the combination.

Ferrari 458 Italia, Niello Concours at Serrano

Finally the Ferrari 458 Italia is without question the best looking Ferrari I’ve seen for a long time, wonder if I’ll ever get bored drooling over them.

My thanks to Karl Krause for sharing today’s photographs.

Thanks for joining me for this “Ferrari’s On The Green” edition of “Gettin’ a li’l psycho on tyres” I hope you will join me again tomorrow when I’ll be looking at the first of a series of racing paint jobs on a street vehicle. Don’t forget to come back now !
