Tag Archives: Petracchi

The Ethiopian Ferrari – Ferrari 500 Mondial #0468MD

In 1954 an Italian, Guido Petracchi, took delivery of today’s featured Ferrai 500 Mondial chassis #0468MD in Ethiopia where it was issued with the registration number ‘ER 22289’.

Ferrari 500 Mondial, Rolex Reunion, Laguna Seca

Guido is believed to have raced the car at least once in the 1954 Ethiopian Grand Prix, an event for which no precise date, circuit or even other entrants are known and from which the car is believed to have retired !

Ferrari 500 Mondial, Rolex Reunion, Laguna Seca

While looking for information about the 1954 Ethiopian Grand Prix I stumbled across this linked photo of an open wheel Maserati and what appears to be a shiny #30 Ferrari 500 Mondial which has yet to be confirmed as showing Bigi Cristoforo and Guido Petracchi at the wheel of the respective cars on the Asmara Street Circuit in Eritrea, then part of the Federation of Ethiopia and Eritrea, in 1954.

In 1970 the #0468MD is said to have been rediscovered by Colin Crabbe and sold to an owner in Penrith in 1972. In 1982 DK Engineering restored #0468MD with new bodywork.

From 1989 to 1997 #0468MD went to Switzerland where it had three owners before being sold to it’s current owner in Medina Washington USA in 1998.

My thanks to Geoffrey Horton who took these photographs of #0468MD at last years Rolex Reunion.

Thanks for joining me on this “The Ethiopian Ferrari” edition of “Gettin’ a li’l psycho on tyres” I hope you will join me again for a look at another Jaguar Special. Don’t forget to come back now !
