Tag Archives: Kit

Last Noble Kit – TDR Noble P4

The Ferrari P4 is considered by many to be one of the most attractive racing cars ever built, the only one I have seen in the flesh was a David Piper continuation and even though it was a bit scruffy it left me awestruck.

TDR P4 Replica, NEC, Birmingham

At the recent NEC motor show I stumbled across today’s featured car which is registered with the DVLA as a 1996 TDR but in fact is claimed to be the last P4 replica kit from Noble, better known these days for building high performance road and track cars.

TDR P4 Replica, NEC, Birmingham

I’m not sure of the chassis origin on this car but am aware of at least one other that was built around and Ultima chassis. The motor in this one is a Terry Drury Racing 500 hp YB Cosworth turbo 4 cylinder as used in the Ford Cosworth RS500.

The most striking thing about this car is the quality of the workmanship, it was very hard to take my eyes off it. This car appears to be for sale, usual ‘Caveat Emptor’ disclaimers apply.

Thanks for joining me on this ‘Last Noble Kit’ edition of “Gettin’ a li’l psycho on tyres” I hope you will join me again tomorrow when I’ll be looking at another Bristol Special. Don’t forget to come back now !


DIY with a Fiesta – Quantum 2 + 2

Mark and Harvey Wooldridge founded Quantum Sports Cars in 1987 to produce a Coupé kit car designed by Harvey to take Mk 1 Ford Fiesta running gear, 17 examples were built.

In 1991 Quantum introduced a saloon model with pop up headlights designed around Mk 2 Ford Fiesta running gear .

The 2+2 model seen here was also designed around Mk2 Ford Fiesta running gear and introduced in 1993. To date it is thought around 400 examples have been built, 2 + 2 kits built by Quantum Kit Cars Limited of Bristol are available from Quantum Heritage.

This particular Quantum stated life as a Mk 2 Fiesta with a 1600 cc / 97.6 cui motor in 1985/85 first registered in Shrewsbury. I am not sure when the car was given the Quantum body but it’s driver informed me that it recently had a 2 litre / 122 cui engine installed as have many others of the type. Notice the smoked rear light clusteres which were sourced from the Ford Sapphire parts bin.

If you’d like to know more about the marque I’d recommend getting in touch with the extremely active Quantum Owners Club.

I hope you have enjoyed today’s DIY edition of ‘Gettin’ a lil’ psycho on tyres’ and that you will join me again tomorrow. Don’t for get to come back now !
