Tag Archives: Domino

Mini Rust Beater – Domino HT

Today’s blog comes from the BMW Plant near Cowley where the current range of retro Mini’s are made and where I saw this splendid little Domino HT at the recent PistonHeads Sunday Service.

The Domino’s in 4 styles were Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) kit cars designed around Mini running gear and manufactured by Fibretech GRP Ltd which was taken over by Domino Composite itself renamed Composite Designs from at least 1978 to 2007 when liquidation forced the cessation of production. It would appear an wholly autonomous group DominoCars – Organisation is attempting to keep the Domino brand alive.

The HT (hard top) model seen here was the follow on from the original T top Pimlico model and is loosely based around a standard Mini though it is bereft of the standard Mini seams and gutters. It is also significantly different below the waist line with built in flared wheel arches and a flared body around the top of the road wheel line. The doors are 2/ 1/2 inches shorter than Mini doors to accommodate the higher sills needed to aid the structural integrity of the GRP body.

If your original style Mini is falling to bits with dreaded tin worm you could do worse than find a smart Domino GRP body, take of all bits of your Mini and transfer them straight on to the GRP shell including subframes, interior, windows, up to 13″ wheels and off you go in your new car with parts recycled from your old one.

Hope you have enjoyed to days Glass Reinforced Plastic edition of ‘Gettin a lil’ psycho on tyres’ and that you’ll join me again tomorrow. Don’t forget to come back now !
