Daily Archives: March 30, 2015

Hot & Violent – Maserati Khamsin

The Maserati Khamsin was launched in 1974 to replace the Maserati Ghibli and like it’s predecessor the cockpit accommodated two seats and two rear cushions.

Maserati Khamsin, Auto Italia, Brooklands

For the first time Maserati commissioned Bertone to design the Khamsin and Marcello Gandini is credited with carrying out the work on behalf of his employer which included asymmetrical vents in the bonnet /hood. A post 1977 Khamsin like this 1978 example is easily distinguished by the three vents at the front.

Maserati Khamsin, Auto Italia, Brooklands

Like the late Maserati Indy, Bora and early Merak models the Khamsin was building a selection of parts from owner Citroën’s parts bin that included braking and steering components.

Maserati Khamsin, Auto Italia, Brooklands

The Khamsin was the only Maserati to be fitted with Citroen’s self centering steering gear, meaning the driver must hold the steering wheel at all times when negotiating corners because other wise the steering wheel will positively self center in a much shorter time than a traditional self centering system activated by the castor angle of the front wheels.

Maserati Khamsin, Auto Italia, Brooklands

Only the 4.9 litre / 300 cui V8 engine from the Maserati Ghibli SS was available to 170 mph Khamsin customers, this was fitted with Bosch fuel injection, replacing the Weber Carburettors and produced 10hp less than the 330hp Ghibli SS.

Maserati Khamsin, Auto Italia, Brooklands

Khamsin is the name given to a hot and violent Egyptian wind that blows in the desert for 50 days.

Production of the Khamsin ended in 1982 with only 435 vehicles built a disappointing third of the number of it’s predecessor, it was the last V8 Maserati model to be built until the arrival of the Shamal in 1990.

Thanks for joining me on this “Hot & Violent” edition of “Gettin’ a li’l psycho on tyres” I hope you will join me again tomorrow when I’ll be looking at another aero engined car, not powered by a Curtiss OX motor. Don’t forget to come back now !
