Daily Archives: February 24, 2015

Bob’s Supercharged Special – Amilcar Riley Special

Today’s featured Amilcar Riley Special is built on a 1923 Amilcar C4 chassis.

Amilcar Riley Special, Bob Drewitt, VSCC Prescott

The Amilcar C4 model, longer and with a larger motor than the Amilcar CC, was built from 1922 to 1928.

Amilcar Riley Special, Bob Drewitt, VSCC Prescott

So far as I have been able to discern the original C4 motor was a 1004 cc / 61 cui side valve 4 cylinder mono block that produced around 22 hp.

Amilcar Riley Special, Bob Drewitt, VSCC Prescott

20 years ago Bob fitted his C4 with a supercharged 1929 1633cc / 99 cui 6 cylinder Riley motor which in unsupercharged form was originally designed by Percy Riley for the Riley 14/6 models.

Amilcar Riley Special, Bob Drewitt, VSCC Prescott

Riley motors of this type with their high positioned cam shafts and short connecting rods were also developed for the ERA racing cars in various sizes.

Bob Drewitt is seen in these photographs driving his “lively” Amilcar Riley Special which has 90bhp at the rear wheels and weighs about 14cwt at the VSCC meetings in 2010 and 2013.

My thanks to Bob Drewitt for filling me in with the details about the current spec of this car on google+.

Thanks for joining me on this “Bob’s Supercharged Special”, edition of “Gettin’ a li’l psycho on tyres” I hope you will join me again tomorrow. Don’t forget to come back now !
