Daily Archives: February 13, 2015

Spellbinding Grigio Notte – Ferrari 330 GT

Today’s featured Ferrari 330GT was delivered to it’s first owner in Switzerland in 1964, 14 years later it went to an Italian owner where it remained unused until 2012.


Spellbound Cars of Farnham brought the car to the UK in 2012 and restored the body, repainting it in the original Grigio Notte, refurbished the leather interior with the correct Connolly Vaumol leather and mechanically recommissioned it with their in house craftsman.

Spellbound cars coincidentally operate from the same site as the former Ferrari Importer Tourist Trophy, owned by the Hawthorn Family, operated from.

Thanks for joining me on this “Spellbinding Grigio Notte” edition of “Gettin a li’l psycho on tyres” I hope you will join me again tomorrow for another African Adventure in an Austin. Don’t forget to come back now !
