Daily Archives: February 6, 2015

Amaranto P/W and A/C – Ferrari 330 GT #7023

Today’s featured Ferrari 330 GT, chassis #7023 was built in 1965 and sent to Luigi Chinetti Motors, Inc.

The car was originally painted Amaranto, Dark Red and came fitted with power window’s and air conditioning.

Ferrari 330GT, Anthony Moody, Tour Britannia, Castle Combe,

It would appear a Norman H. Silver of North Carolina traded in his exisiting 330GT chassis #6509, which is listed as the 400th of the 814 330 GT’s built and no more than six months older than chassis #7029, along with his 810 Cord convertible in order to relieve Luigi Chinetti of today’s car and become it’s first keeper at the end of August 1965.

18 months later Mr Silver traded #7023 back with Chinetti in exchange for a 1951 Ferrari 212 Export and a 1962 Ferrari 400 Superamerica Cabriolet.

Ferrari 330GT, Anthony Moody, Tour Britannia, Castle Combe,

In November 2007 #7023 was reportedly withdrawn from an e-bay auction with the highest bidding price being US$60,000.

Hong Kong based financier Anthony Moody bought the car in February 2011 and kept it in the UK.

Ferrari 330GT, Anthony Moody, Tour Britannia, Castle Combe,

Mr Moody is seen competing in #7023 in these photo’s which were taken at the Castle Combe check point on the 2011 Tour Britania.

Paul Barber subsequently bought the car in January 2012 for a smidgen over US$ 180,000.

Ferrari 330GT, Anthony Moody, Tour Britannia, Castle Combe,

Mr Barber had the car painted silver and by April 2013 it had changed hands again having been offered for sale since June 2012.

The current owner of, #7023 the 527th 330GT to be built, is unknown, but the car is believed to be in the UK.

Thanks for joining me on this “Amaranto P/W and A/C” edition of “Gettin’ a li’l psycho on tyres” I hope you will join me again tomorrow when I’ll be looking at a vintage African adventurer. Don’t forget to come back now !
