Daily Archives: January 9, 2015

Six Carb Option – Ferrari 275 GTB #07597

Today’s featured Ferrari 275 GTB chassis #07597 was delivered to Maranello Concessionaires, GB in 1965.

Ferrari 275 GTB, VSCC, Spring Start, Silverstone

This right drive car was delivered with the 6 x 40 Weber DCN/3 carburetor option fitted to the motor which produces around 280 hp, six carburetors were only fitted as standard to the later 300hp 4 cam 275 GTB/4.

Ferrari 275 GTB, VSCC, Spring Start, Silverstone

Like the 275 GTB I looked at last week this one is fitted with a short nose body built by Scaglietti

Ferrari 275 GTB, VSCC, Spring Start, Silverstone

The history I have been able to find on this car, seen at last years VSCC Spring Start meeting at Silverstone, beyond the delivery details are brief, in 1980 it is believed to have belonged to someone known only as “Bridges” in the UK.

Ferrari 275 GTB, VSCC, Spring Start, Silverstone

#07597 was also seen at the Brooklands Auto Italia International Weekend, in July 1996.

Thanks for joining me on this “Six Carb Option” edition of “Gettin’ a li’l psycho tyres” I hope you will join me again tomorrow when I be looking at a newspaper boys Rolls Royce. Don’t forget to come back now !
