Daily Archives: January 2, 2015

Short Nose – Ferrari 275 GTB

Between 1964 and 1967 Scaglietti built bodies for 448 Ferrari 275 GTB’s some from steel and others from aluminium.

Ferrari 275 GTB, Hillsborough Concours d'Elegance

Some of these cars, like today’s featured example have short noses with the front repeater below the head lights while others like the 275 GTB Competizione I looked at last summer have long noses with the repeater ahead of the front head light.

Ferrari 275 GTB, Hillsborough Concours d'Elegance

Looking through the photographs of all the 275 GTB’s I have featured to date I noticed, as might be expected from a hand built body, that they all look subtly different, linked here is a short nosed GTB/4 with a chrome arch linking the two corner bumpers, which highlights the fact that the front bumpers on today’s featured car look much lower than on either of the cars in the linked photographs.

My thanks to Geoffrey Horton for sharing his photographs taken at the 2013 Hillsborough Concours d’Elegance.

Thanks for joining me on this “Short Nose” edition of “Gettin’ a li’l psycho on tyres” I hope you will join me again tomorrow, when I’ll be looking at a nice car for a wedding, don’t forget to come back now !
