Daily Archives: July 17, 2014

Yate Town FC Host – Bristol American Car Show

After seeing the start of the Chipping Sodbury Classic Run a couple of weeks ago, I popped along to the Bristol American Car Show at Yate Town Football Club.

Ford Edsel Station Wagon, Bristol American Car Show, Yate Town FC

A fabulous assortment of vehicles included this ’59 Ford Edsel Station Wagon which in li’l ol’ England would be difficult to fit in a standard ASDA, UK Walmart, parking space and could easily pass for a mobile home.

Kenworth W900L, Bristol American Car Show, Yate Town FC

The only thing we have ever built of comparable size to the Kenworth W900L is a military all wheel drive tracked vehicle transporter, this Kenworth could also double as a great ‘Glamper’ for a music festival like Glastonbury.

Ford Ranchero, Bristol American Car Show, Yate Town FC

The twin vertical headlight clusters, taken from the ’66 Ford Fairlane, above tell me that this is a 1967 model year Ford Ranchero.

Buick Riviera , Bristol American Car Show, Yate Town FC

Looking super fly was this 1972 Riviera by Buick.

Oldsmobile Cutlass Coupé, Bristol American Car Show, Yate FC

1970’s down sizing did little for US Automotive design as the 1980 Oldsmobile Cutlass Coupé above attests, unless like me your a fan of big bumper Volvo’s of course.

Dodge RAM 1500 Daytona, Bristol American Car Show, Yate FC

Finally above a 345hp Hemi powered 2005 Dodge RAM 1500 Daytona pickup, described by one reviewer as having plenty of Go Man Go !

Thanks for joining me on this “Yate Town FC Hosts” edition of “Gettin’ a li’l psycho on tyres”, I hope you will join me again tomorrow for Ferrari Friday. Don’t forget to come back now !
